Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The IKEA story

Due to popular demand, the IKEA story is now being posted.

So, I go to IKEA the other night to buy laminate flooring for my new place. I end up getting 21 boxes or like 700 pounds of this stuff. So, I load it onto the cart and start heading down the escalator ramp- it's that smooth escalator ramp where you basically step on it, stand there with your cart, while it elegantly carries you all the way down to the ground level, where you gracefully step off? Okay, so I get on this thing with this 700 pound loaded cart full of wood, and before I know it, the thing starts to ROLL DOWN THE RAMP. Not some little jaunt, but seriously hurtling toward innocent and unknowing bystanders in front of me. I dig in my heels but my Keds are totally skidding with the thing not unlike a musher and runaway bobsled.
So I start to yell at the top of my lungs, "WATCH OUT! WATCH OUT! WATCHOUT!" And of course, no one hears me, so I have to scream even louder. Then, they all look up and see this crazy haired, wild-eyed insane Asian girl flying at them with 700 pounds of wood. I actually heard someone scream, "Mom! Get out of the way!"

And you know what the best part of it is? The next night I had to go back to IKEA and get more.


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